One of the best ways to learn about these trees is to locate as many as possible to see if they do, indeed, mark consistent trails through the remaining wilderness - thus this Project and its database. If you know of such a tree in your area, please let us know about it.

Obviously, we'd like as complete a description as possible, but we'll settle for what we can get. The most important things are your contact information and a photograph. There are lots of branching trees in the woods, but these trees have several unique markers. We'll have a panel of people who have seen a lot of them review any submissions, and include any tree that seems to fit. If you have access to GPS equipment, we'd love to have exact information - GPS Coordinants, Altitude, and a Compass reading of its orientation, but if you don't have this kind of information, we'll extract what we can from a simple map [an "X" on a road map] or the topographic maps available on the Internet [USGS or Topozone, as examples] that might help you accurately place the tree.

We've avoided using an online submission form [as it's hard to build a form that reliably transmits pictures]. Instead we have a simple email form so you can attach images to an email in the usual manner. We also have a PDF form you can print and fill out by hand, then mail with a film based photograph. Just click on one of the icons below:

The photographs posted by the Mountain Stewards are in the public domain and may be used with proper acknowledgement. Any photographs submitted online by others will be assumed to be copyrighted by the contributor and labelled as such [unless expressly requested to be in the public domain]. Addresses and email information for contributors will neither be publicly available nor distributed.